If you are Tinned Tomatoes is the blog for you!

I'm Jac, a Scottish food writer and recipe developer who specialises in easy family-tested vegan recipes.
I live in Scotland with my husband (who likes to stay as far away from the kitchen as possible, unless I'm passing him some food), my son and two daft dogs.
So you're wondering why I called my blog Tinned Tomatoes?
Yes, they are bloomin' tasty and convenient.
No, I don't include tinned tomatoes in every dish and I definitely don't bake with them.
When I started this blog in 2007 most of my favourite recipes started with a tin of tomatoes, so when I was naming my blog I decided to call in Tinned Tomatoes.
Tinned Tomatoes was my starting point but also a reminder to myself to move beyond tinned tomatoes and be more creative.
This blog is has been vegan for quite a few years now, but many recipes from my archive are vegetarian and my new recipes are easy to make vegetarian if that is your chosen diet.
I became vegetarian 31 years ago, but when my husband became vegan 12 years ago our diet changed and dinners became vegan. My blog started to reflect this and most of my recipes are vegan now.
Check out my recipe index for all my easy vegetarian or vegan recipes. You can also search for ingredients or recipes using the search button.
I became vegetarian 31 years ago, but when my husband became vegan 12 years ago our diet changed and dinners became vegan. My blog started to reflect this and most of my recipes are vegan now.
Check out my recipe index for all my easy vegetarian or vegan recipes. You can also search for ingredients or recipes using the search button.
I have a second blog The Vegan Lunch Box. Head over there for easy vegan lunch ideas and recipes.
My first book Living on the Veg: A kids' guide to life without meat was co-authored with Clive Gifford and published by Wayland in 2018. It's a fun guide to a vegetarian lifestyle with twelve easy recipes.
Scotsman Food & Drink Awards - Finalist
Bosch Influencer Awards - Finalist
tweet me: @tinnedtoms
facebook me: Tinned Tomatoes
pin me: jactinnedtoms
gram me: @tinnedtoms
linkedin to me: Jacqueline Meldrum
You can also view my Privacy Policy
Vegetarian Living Magazine - Winner (Best Veggie Blog)
Good Housekeeping Awards - Finalist
Veggie Awards - Nominated
Good Housekeeping Awards - Finalist
Quality Food Awards - Finalist
Scotsman Food & Drink Awards - Finalist
Bosch Influencer Awards - Finalist
tweet me: @tinnedtoms
facebook me: Tinned Tomatoes
pin me: jactinnedtoms
gram me: @tinnedtoms
linkedin to me: Jacqueline Meldrum
email me: jac@tinnedtomatoes.com
You can also view my Privacy Policy