Many of you receive my posts and recipes in particular by email. If you don't use this service and would like to, scroll to the bottom of the this page and you will see a sign up form just below my row of Instagram photos.
Recipes (and posts) by email
Pop your email into the form at the bottom of this page and click submit. Every time I publish a recipe, giveaway or guide (any post), it will be delivered to your email. You can choose which you read, but you'll never miss one again. Just make sure it doesn't end up in your spam folder. You can unsubscribe at anytime.
You can also subscribe to my newsletter by hitting the link on the sidebar. I usually send out a newsletter about once a month and share recipes by topic or just new recipes. Again you can unsubscribe at any time.
GDPR and what it means
Your privacy is important to me and I never pass your information on. I do use some third party sites like Feedburner (owned by Google) who send out my posts by email to you, but they also have to protect your data and can't pass it on. They must store it securely and only use it for the purpose you signed up for. Google are updating their policy on 25 May 2018 when the law comes into effect.
Posts by email
If you signed up for my posts by email, I will never contact you personally. My posts will be pulled from my site by Feedburner and emailed straight to you, you will never receive anything else by email from me and this is the only way your details will be used.
If you signed you signed up for my newsletter, you will receive emails in newsletter format from me, I will not contact you personally unless you choose to email me. I am happy to respond to direct emails from my readers. I will never pass your email address on unless you have won a competition and I have asked your permission to pass it on to the company supplying the prize.
I hope that all helps and makes sense. If you have any questions, email me (tinnedtomatoes@googlemail.com) and I will try to help. The new laws are very new and I am doing my best to understand them and to help protect your privacy. Read my privacy policy for more info.
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I love reading comments, so thank you for taking the time to leave one. Unfortunately, I'm bombarded with spam, so I've turned on comment moderation. I'll publish your comments as soon as I can and respond to them. Don't panic, they will disappear when you hit publish. Jac x