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Conchiglioni Pasta Salad with Sautéed Mushrooms and Feta Cheese

Conchiglioni Pasta Salad with Sautéed Mushrooms and Feta Cheese. A hearty pasta salad for lunch or dinner.

a close up of Conchiglioni Pasta Salad with Sautéed Mushrooms and Goats' Cheese

I'm still on my hearty salad kick.

This time I decided to make a pasta salad. 

We often eat a cold pasta salad for dinner and have the leftovers for lunch the next day. 

It's just something a bit different. It's simple too but full of flavour.

Conchiglioni Pasta Salad with Sautéed Mushrooms and Feta Cheese

The wonderful thing about this salad is the different textures. 

Firm glossy pasta shells coated in pesto and tossed with salad leaves, soft peppery sautéed mushrooms, crunchy half moons of cucumber and creamy feta cheese (vegan if you like).

I used bistro salad leaves which have lovely little strands of beetroot mixed through, but you could use any mixed leaves.


As this was a 'use what I have in the fridge' exercise, I used jarred pesto sauce, but it would be great with freshly made pesto.

If you're looking for a good shop-bought veggie pesto try Sacla Organic Basil Pesto or for vegans try Mr Organic Basil Pesto. 

Those are the two brands we like.

a bowl of Conchiglioni Pasta Salad with Sautéed Mushrooms and Goats' Cheese

This salad could also be served warm, with cold little bites from the cucumber and feta cheese. 

It's every filling and super tasty.

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Conchiglioni Pasta Salad with Sautéed Mushrooms and Goats' Cheese #salad #mushroomsalad #cucumbersalad #vegetariansalad #goatscheesesalad #picnic #vegetarianpicnic #summer

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Conchiglion Mushroom Pasta Salad
Conchiglioni Pasta Salad with Mushrooms and Feta Cheese
A hearty pasta salad coated in pesto and tossed with salad leaves, cucumber, sauteed mushrooms and feta cheese.
  • 500g Conchiglioni (Shell) pasta
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 500g chestnut mushrooms, sliced
  • 50g bistro salad leaves
  • ¼ cucumber, sliced
  • 4 tbsp veggie pesto
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 50 -100g feta cheese (depending on how cheesey you want your salad)
  • a good grinding of black pepper
1. Cook the pasta according to the packet instructions until al dente, then rinse until cold. This is important if you want firm glossy pasta.2. Saute the mushrooms in 1 tbsp olive oil until soft and then season well with black pepper. 3. In a large bowl toss the cold pasta in 1 tbsp of olive oil and the pesto.4. Mixed through the salad leaves, mushrooms and feta cheese. 5. Enjoy!
Total time:
Yield: Serves 6

Favourite Salads

Here are a few of our favourite salads. They are all simple but the flavours pop. I hope you enjoy them too.

Salads from around the web


  1. This looks utterly delicious Jacs and I'm not even keen on goats cheese:-) Thanks for entering #CreditCrunchMunch :-)

    1. You could always substitute the goats cheese with another soft cheese such as feta or even mozzarella.

  2. What a good looking bowl of pasta salad Jac - loving the bright green accents in that shot! This looks like a good one to make at the beginning of the week for a few packed lunches. Thanks for entering it into Speedy Suppers!

    1. Thanks Katie. It would be great for packed lunches. I will be having some for lunch tomorrow.

  3. Lovely pasta salad Jac. Did you read that research the other day that said cold pasta had a far lower GI than hot?

    1. Yes, I saw that, don't think I could be faffed with that unless it was pasta salad. Dinner usually has to be on the table in a rush.

  4. This looks yummy. I love those giant pasta shells. They fill up with loads of sauce.

    1. No sauce this time and they look giant, but they actually just the standard shells. I thing it is the extreme close up that makes them look big.

  5. I don't make pasta salads enough... Love the idea of adding cucumber for a crunchy contrasting texture!

    1. The cucumber really worked well Jeanne. I'd definitely add it again.

  6. I really should have more pasta salads. They're so easy and, as you say, great for packed lunches, too. I love the thought of the mushrooms and goats cheese - yum!

    1. I know, it's easy to forget about them, but they can be a bit special.

  7. I think I am feeling that inertia that comes at the end of the season - can't get into the salads despite some warm spring weather (not today though - the warm weather just doesn't last) so love seeing your salad inspirations - we rarely have pasta salad but it does look very good

    1. I like it as it's easy to prepare and we are always short of time on weeknights, plus it's filling and everyone enjoys them.

  8. I wish I were on a healthy salad kick .....I may well be next week! Lovely recipe and I love mushrooms and goats cheese. Thanks for the recipe shout out x

    1. I don't know why I'm just in the mood for them just now Ren. Maybe it's because they are so easy to throw together.

  9. Beautiful pasta dish - love pesto, love mushrooms, goat cheese - everything! Would make a great lunch for me at work, of course, if I use gluten free pasta. :)

    1. This is definitely the salad for you then Julia :)

  10. Gorgeous, simple salad. I can imagine this would be a great take to work lunch, too. If there was any leftover, that is.

    1. Thanks Kellie and yes perfect for a working lunch.

  11. I love the look of that salad...I haven't made a pasta salad for ages!

  12. Thanks for reminding me about that lovely avocado salad, will make it in the next couple of days :)

  13. Sometimes I prefer a cold pasta salad to a hot pasta dish. Eve in winter they make such tasty meals and they are so adaptable. They also look so appetising!


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