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Deluxe Carrot, Courgette & Peanut Butter Stuffed Mushrooms

Mushrooms stuffed with carrot, courgette (zucchini) and peanut butter, with a melted cheddar topping.

Deluxe Carrot, Courgette & Peanut Butter Stuffed Mushrooms

Deluxe Carrot, Courgette & Peanut Butter Stuffed Mushrooms

This is one of my husband Graham's favourite dishes. 

It's one his mother passed on to me and a really great recipe.

It makes a really tasty vegetarian or vegan (if you use vegan cheese) main course when served with potatoes and veg.

The recipe is super simple and easy to prepare too.

Tender, juicy mushrooms, filled with the most delicious filling that is both sweet and salty with a crunch from the peanut butter. 

I haven't found a better stuffed mushroom yet.

Why not try them and let me know what you think?

Do you have a favourite stuffed mushroom recipe?

If you like stuffed vegetables try Stuffed Courgettes with Bulgur Wheat and Preserved Lemon next.

print recipe

Carrot & Courgette Stuffed Mushrooms
Don't be fooled into thinking these would be good on a diet, they are more luxurious than that. As well as the carrot and courgette there is also peanut butter & cheddar. Delicious!
  • 4 portobello mushrooms (or any large flat cap mushrooms)
  • 1 large carrot. peeled and grated
  • 1 good-sized or two smaller courgettes, grated
  • 4 tbsp crunchy peanut butter
  • 2 tbsp soy sauce (sometimes I use veggie Worcestershire Sauce or Henderson's relish)
  • a good grinding of salt & pepper
  • 1 cup grated mature cheddar
1. Preheat the oven to 220c/200c fan/425f /gas mark 7.2. Peel the skin of the mushrooms and make sure they are clean. Use a piece of kitchen roll if you need to dust them off.3. Grate the carrot and courgette in a bowl and mix well.4. Add the peanut butter and soy sauce to the grated carrot and courgette and mix well together. If the mixture is too stiff, you can add a little more soy sauce, but the mixture should be quite thick. Season with salt and pepper.5. Pile the mixture into the four mushrooms and top with the grated cheese. Pop in the oven on a pre-heated baking tray for 20-25 minutes until the cheese has melted and started to brown.6. Serve with a selection of vegetables or with a baked potato and salad. If you would like to serve as a starter, just serve with a little salad.
Total time: Yield: Serves 4

Here are a few more stuffed mushroom recipes for you to try:
  1. French Onion Soup Stuffed Onions from Jo Cooks
  2. Crowdie Stuffed Mushrooms from A Wee Bit of Cooking
  3. Stuffed Mushrooms with Spring Onions & Cream Cheese from A Slice of Cherry Pie
  4. Garlic Stuffed Mushrooms from A Sweet Pea Chef
  5. Stuffed Mushrooms with Pecans from What Would Cathy Eat
  6. Danish Blue Cheese Stuffed Mushrooms from Anne's Kitchen


  1. Where on earth did she even get the idea to combine these things? Carrots, zucchini and peanut butter are not three ingredients which flow smoothly into the mind, at least not when considered to be all in one dish... unless it's Thai food, and even then... Hm.

    It looks AMAZINGLY tasty. I always value your recipe contributions; you are certainly expanding the range of things I even consider eating.

    Hope you're feeling quite fêted and Mama-proud today.

  2. Hey Tanita, all I now is that it works and is very yummy.

    Cooper bought me a bunch of tulips, (he is wild about flowers, makes a beeline for them, if he sees them anywhere) and a lovely card he signed himself.

  3. Oh, these look so tasty!

    So, when are you coming over to cook?

    1. Chance would be a fine thing. Not enough hours in the day as it is. *sigh*

  4. wow! Interesting flavour combination! I am intrigued and repulsed in equal measures - I think I may have to try it! I hope you are having a lovely mother's day xxx

    1. Honestly, it is really good Clare. Try it before you decide. And had a lovely day thanks. Hope you had a good one too :)

  5. I had to read that title a couple of times over. Peanut butter sounds such an interesting addition. They look fab and I beat they are supper tasty too ;0)

    1. They are really good. I didn't think it a strange combination, but that is probably because I was introduced to them over 20 years ago.

  6. I had to read the title and ingredients list twice to make sure it was peanut butter!! I HAVE to try this as I love all the ingredients but have never tried them together. Thanks for sharing :)

    1. It is definitely peanut butter and it works Ros :)

  7. Peanut butter?? Wow. I'll have to try this; can't imagine it.

    1. It's great Barbara. The mushrooms are so succulent, then there is the crunch and sweetness of the peanut butter and the saltiness of the soy sauce.

  8. That sounds fantastic, all those textures. Definitely one to try.

  9. Love this, how clever to use peanut butter as well. I'm ashamed to say I've never made stuffed mushrooms either!

    1. I love mushrooms so much Emma, I can think of nothing nicer :)

  10. What a great recipe - with peanut butter!! wonderful :)
    Mary x

    1. You will have to try making them for your children Mary :)

  11. What is this???? I am drooling over my keyboard!!! I have to try these and I know a few friends who would love this recipe. Passing it on.

    1. Brilliant! I am so glad people are going to have a go. They are really, really good :)

  12. Those definitely sound intriguing.

  13. Oh wow! These stuffed mushrooms look soo appetizing!! Look at that photo!! I'm drooling already just by looking at it. Really delicious & I love stuffed mushrooms! I'm going to try this recipe this summer when we harvest our courgette in our vegetable patch! Can't wait!! :)

    1. It is always good to get new recipes when you have a glut of veg. This is a good one Kit :)

  14. I adore stuffed mushrooms and these look just fabulous!

  15. They certainly sound interesting and the picture looks really good. Alright, I'll give them a try.

    1. Good for you TB. I am glad you trust me enough to give them a go. You will not be disappointed :)

  16. What make is obsessed of you is texture of you positing. You have managed everything very nicely.


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