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Jamie's Great Britain - Roasted Veg Vindaloo

A vegetarian vegetable vindaloo from Jamie's Great Britain by Jamie Oliver.


Jamie Oliver has a new TV show called Jamie's Great Britain.

The six-episode series kicked of last night with Jamie exploring his and his family's old stomping ground, London's East End and Southend-on-Sea where he sampled and cooked pie and mash, oysters, winkles and jellied eels.

The programme ended with a bbq on the beach with his Mum, Dad and his Nan who he oddly calls Tiger.

Over the six weeks Jamie travels the length of the country searching for today's British classics and looking at the roots of each dish.


Jamie visits Yorkshire, The Heart of England, Essex and East London, Bristol and Somerset, South Wales and Scotland and gathers together a plethora of recipes which can be found in his new book that accompanies the series called, yes you guessed it Jamie's Great Britain.

I have to admit to only watching with half an eye last night, as the programme was so meaty and fishy, too much for me to enjoy really.

I did like the Bloody Mary sauce he made for oysters and I will be tuning in each week in the hope that he casts some of his magic over vegetables and presents us with some mouth-watering desserts.


I was excited to get my hands on a copy of the book and it is indeed a thing of beauty.

 It is very visual, absolutely chocablock of photos and graphics and it is on lovely thick paper.

Just how I like my cookbooks. I really am a sucker for a cookbook with great photos, printed on good quality paper.

Other than how the book looks, after my first skim through I was disappointed with how meaty the whole book seemed.


It's obviously one of those books you need a bit of time with.

The main courses are as a whole meat or fish based, but actually there are plenty of soups, salads, cakes, desserts and dressings for us vegetarians to enjoy.

It is sad to admit, but I decided to do a count of the recipes that are suitable for vegetarians, for your benefit you understand, not anything to do with me and my lists, no nothing at all!

I was pleasantly surprised that there was a respectable 86 out of the 130 recipes the book boasts that can be enjoyed by veggies.


Here are a few of the recipes that have caught my eye:

  • Apple & Watercress Salad with Blue Cheese Dressing & Crushed Walnuts
  • Shredded Rainbow Salad
  • Potato & Smashed Fennel with Crispy Thyme Breadcrumbs
  • Sour Cranberry Bakewell
  • Wonderful Welsh Cakes
  • Rhubarb & Rice Pudding
  • Flavoured Gin & Vodka


A couple of weeks ago I made Jamie's Roasted Veg Vindaloo from the cookbook.

So what did I think of it?

Well the curry paste is excellent and I will be using it again.

Oh how delicious is smells and it has an excellent full, spicy flavour, but the curry itself was lacking something. To be fair, Jamie did serve his with chicken skewers, which would add another texture.

The second night we had the curry, I added some mushrooms, carrots and courgette and it was excellent. Of course, dishes such as curries, soups and chillies are always better the next day, once the flavours have really developed.

I would still suggest adding some extra vegetables if you decide to make this curry.

curry, Jamie's Great Britain, vegetarian Jamie Oliver recipe, Jamie Oliver. vegetable vindaloo, vegetarian curry, vindaloo, viindaloo paste
British, vegetarian
Yield: 6-8
Roasted Veg Vindaloo

Roasted Veg Vindaloo

A vegetarian vegetable vindaloo from Jamie's Great Britain by Jamie Oliver. This curry is better served day two for full flavour and benefits from some extra vegetables added to it. Includes the recipe for the curry paste.
Prep time: 15 MCook time: 1 H & 25 MTotal time: 1 H & 40 M


Vindaloo Curry Paste
  • 1 bulb of garlic, cloves separated and peeled
  • 1 heaped tablespoon each of turmeric and garam masala
  • 2 heaped tablespoons raisins
  • 1 level teaspoon each of sea salt and cumin
  • 1 heaped teaspoon fennel seeds
  • 2 dried red chillies
  • A bunch of fresh coriander, leaves picked and stalks chopped
  • 1 red onion, peeled and roughly chopped
  • 200ml (7fl oz) white wine vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons each of Worcestershire sauce (veggie) and rapeseed or olive oil
Roasted Vegetable Vindaloo
  • 1kg (2lb 4oz) large ripe tomatoes
  • a pinch of Sea salt and ground pepper
  • 1 cauliflower, stalk sliced, leaves removed
  • 3 red onions, peeled and roughly sliced
  • 1 x 400g (14oz) tin of chickpeas
  • 500ml (18fl oz) organic veg stock
  • 500g (1lb 2oz) mixed peas, broad beans and sweetcorn
  • 1 x 200g (7oz) bag of baby spinach
  • some Natural yoghurt, to serve
  • 1 fresh red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped


Vindaloo Curry Paste
  1. Put all the paste ingredients except the coriander leaves into a liquidiser and whiz until smooth, then scrape into a bowl.
  2. Roughly chop the tomatoes and add to the liquidiser, season well, then blitz until smooth and put aside.
Roasted Vegetable Vindaloo
  1. Preheat your oven to 200°C/400°F/gas 6.
  2. In a large casserole type pan, toss the cauliflower florets and onions with half the curry paste. Add 600ml (1 pint) of water, and roast for 40 minutes, stirring halfway through.
  3. After 40 minutes, carefully move the hot pan from the oven to the hob. Drain and add the chickpeas, along with the stock and blitzed tomatoes and simmer on a medium heat for about 30 minutes.
  4. Mash a few times to thicken the sauce. Add the delicate veggies (corn, peas, beans and spinach) for the last 3 minutes of cooking, then have a taste and correct the seasoning. Marble through a few dollops of yoghurt, scatter over the reserved coriander and chopped fresh chilli (leave the seeds in for extra heat), then take straight to the table.
  5. Serve with fluffy rice.
  6. Enjoy!


There will be enough curry paste to make 2 or 3 curries.
The curry itself is better served day two for full flavour and benefits from some extra vegetables added to it. Add whatever you have.
Serve with fluffy rice.
Fat (grams)
Sat. Fat (grams)
Carbs (grams)
Fiber (grams)
Net carbs
Sugar (grams)
Protein (grams)
Sodium (milligrams)
Cholesterol (grams)
Created using The Recipes Generator

Disclosure Statement: I received this book free from the publisher to review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.


  1. I love James and love his recipes, this book sounds amazing!!! gloria

  2. I like Jamie too Gloria. It's a great book :)

  3. I love Jamie's cookbooks! I can't wait to check this one out.

  4. I follow you on twitter! @clarecooks

  5. I haven't had a chance to flick through the book yet, but am impressed by your review at the number of veggie friendly recipes that are not either desserts or side dishes, so yeah would like to get my mitts on this.

  6. Good Luck Clare :)

    That was the number of veggie friendly recipes in total Shaheen, there are not a great deal of main courses.

  7. Well, I am commenting and have liked your FB page. Coz I like you very much and I love Jamie :-) And that Vindaloo is pretty good looking too ;-)

  8. Thanks Michelle, sorry you can't enter.

  9. I really enjoyed the programme last night although not the bloody mary as I really don't like it as it drink, too thick! Very brave of you to watch as it was a bit of a meat fest.

    I follow Tinned Tomatoes

  10. As you know I aready follow you on Twitter @serialcrafter XXX

  11. I have tweeted the competition

  12. I was online at the time, so I was watching it with a half eye and an occasional shudder :)

  13. I have liked your Tinned Toms FB page -is that new?

  14. I have liked Jamie's Great Britain FB page. Thanks for the chance to win.

  15. I love your review - proper statistics rather than just a vague comment about how many veg dishes there are.

  16. You know, it's probably horrible of me to say, but Jamie really looks like hell on that cover. I guess we don't stay young forever....

  17. I really like Jamie and hope that show comes to us soon! We're still on repeats with his old show.
    The books sounds super, Jacqueline!

  18. Well, I am glad counting the recipes wasn't as ridiculous as I thought it might be Louise :)

    Hey David, He does look rather tired in that photo, doesn't he?

    It is a good book Barabra, but it is more about the cakes and desserts for me, although I did want to make this curry as soon as I saw ir :)

  19. How does he do it all!? This book does sound fabulous, I can't wait to get my hands on a copy.

  20. Funny you posted this as I was working on a review of the new River Cottage series, have you seen those ones yet? Hugh goes veg which is great, we like Jamie but wish he would go veg too, even Gordon Ramsay was championing some Indian vegetarian in one of his last series...Adam thinks he's a secret vegetarian!

    We're going to watch this one tonight, Adam went to the same school as Jamie! Interesting fact.

  21. I know Heather, I don't know how he fits it all in.

    Now, now, name dropping Theresa, hehe :D. Adam will have to give us the inside scoop of what he was like as a child then.

    I know he doesn't do a lot of veggie food, but when he does do it or even just his preparation of vegetables, well it is fab as far as I am concerened.

    River Cottage has been excellent. I have the book too and although I have devoured it, I haven't made anything from it, yet.

  22. Sop glad to have found your blog - it's really lovely - and really enjoyed your Jamie Oliver post - fantastic! I'm signing up to follow you :)
    Mary x

  23. Aww, thanks Mary, nice to meet you :)

  24. I love a good Jamie recipe, I have the America book which I thought I wouldn't use but it has some fab recipes!

  25. I already follow Tinned Tomatoes

  26. I don't own one jamie cookbook because they always have too many meat recipes so it is interesting to see your recipe count

  27. follow you on twitter too @louisesims

  28. tweeted the competition too @louisesims

  29. liked the Jamie page on FB too - Louise Sims

  30. Hi Louise, I haven't seen the American book yet, will have to look out for it:)

    I was surprised too Johanna, because I really did think it was meaty. Of course a lot of the veggie recipes are veg ideas as a side dish and dressing, but there are tons of cakes and desserts. Yum!

  31. just found you on FB too! ;-)
    Louise Sims

  32. Have followed you on twitter @MummyFever

  33. have tweeted as well :) @MummyFever

  34. This looks like a perfect dish to me.

  35. I would love to win this for my friend, he LOVES Jamie!

  36. I already follow your blog via GFC

  37. And already follow on twitter @makedomum :)

  38. I love this bog as much as I love Jamie ;-)

  39. I bought this book too and I love the afternoon tea chapter. Have my heart set on that earl grey tea cake first of all.

  40. Gotta love Jamie! I have almost all his other books and adore them

  41. Follow you on twitter (@FoodieEmma)

  42. Tweeted! (@FoodieEmma)

  43. Liked on Facebook (Emma F*******n)

  44. Liked Jamie's Facebook page

  45. I would LOVE to win one of these books :D :D

  46. I am following your blog via GFC :d

  47. I am following you on Twitter @mum2alesha

  48. I have liked Jamie's Great Britain Facebook page

  49. I have liked your Facebook page :D x

  50. I love Jamie's recipes and I love curries so this is a great post for me!

  51. I follow your blog using google reader.

  52. I follow you on Twitter.

  53. Lovely! Of course you know I would enjoy this.

  54. I've got a growing collection of Jamie's cookbooks so am looking forward to checking this one out!

  55. I've followed you on Twitter as @AdeleJK

  56. I've tweeted this competition as @AdeleJK

  57. I've liked Jamie's page as Adele Jarrett-Kerr.

  58. I've liked your facebook page as Adele Jarrett-Kerr.

  59. Ooh, I love curry paste recipes -- can't wait to try this one out. I always have vegetables I can roast, particularly with fall here and winter coming on...

  60. Oh, I love Jamie's Cookbooks. I wish he'd do a Vegetarian one in the future. *sigh*


  61. Have tweeted:!/Nevrandil/status/130770096917463040



  62. Am liking Jamie's page as Dani Stockwell


  63. love Jamie's books, been a fan right from the start!

  64. already following on twitter

  65. I have liked Jamie's FB page
    as my FB page I Heart Motherhood

  66. I have liked your FB page as my FB page 'I heart Motherhood'

  67. I have to admit his yorkshire puddings looked good! looks like there could be some interesting recipes in this book. Thanks for another fab giveaway!

  68. already following you on twitter @maxineflossy

  69. now following/liking Jamie's Great Britain on facebook

  70. already liking your facebook page!

    phew ...

  71. Would love to win this for my mum, she's a big Jamie fan

  72. Following on Google Friend Connect


  73. Like Jamie's Great Britain page(Robyn Logan)


  74. Like Tinned tomatoes Facebook page @robynlclarke

  75. Ooooh I would love to win this book - Jamie is a favourite! How does his wife stay so skinny with the delicious food he cooks? I'd be the size of a house haha!

    Its a shame that the episode was a bit too fishy/meaty for you :( he's got some brilliant veg recipes too!

    Anyways, thanks for entering me!

  76. Also now following you on twitter :D I haven't had a twitter for my blog very long! I also love how you have tomatoes as your background...very clever ;)

  77. Looks like a great cookbook

  78. Following you on twitter @ericahughes

  79. I've been watching the TV show and really enjoying it. Jamie's shows are always interesting. So far I've resisted buying the book but possibly not for long!

  80. I'd love to win a copy of this book @facelessfood

  81. I already follow your blog @facelessfood

  82. I already follow you on twitter @facelessfood

  83. How did I miss this one? I love Jamie and have quite a few of his books so it would be great to add this to my collection.

  84. already following you on twitter from @bakingaddict

  85. liked Jamie's great britain on facebook

  86. Great blog! Id love to win a copy of the book too. I'm already following you on twitter too :)

  87. I do love Jamie's books and am sure could squeeze just one more in the bookcase...!

    I already follow your blog

  88. I follow you on twitter



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