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Cooper loves veggie sausages or veggie burgers with beans. He doesn't have it often, but it is sometimes a nice change for him. I was looking at some falafel in the supermarket and thought, "oh, he might like that too!". He doesn't mind eating spicy food and falafels are quite gently spicy. I bought him Cauldron Falafel, which are quite low in salt and lovely they are too.

And so I concocted this storecupboard supper, which he gobbled up. He just loves it! Of course I had a wee try and you may want to try it, it's tasty stuff.

Falafel, Peas & Beans

6 falafels, baked according to the packet instructions (or homemade if you have time)
1 x 400g tin baked beans (low sugar & low salt)
½ x 400g tin chickpeas, rinsed well
½ cup frozen peas
4 tbsp water
2 tsp tomato puree

Simply warm up all the peas and beans with the water and tomato puree and serve with the falafel.

Makes 3-4 toddler portions

Such an easy but nutritious dish. The falafel are packed with protein, complex carbohydrates & fibre. There is calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper, manganese, vitamin C, thiamine, pantothenic acid, vitamin B, and folate from the chickpeas. Protein, fibre, iron, calcium, low GI carbohydrates and lycopene from the baked beans and protein, folate, iron, manganese, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K and thiamin from the peas.
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