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Gently Spiced Rice Pudding (vegan)

Homemade rice pudding gently spiced with ginger and freshly grated cinnamon.

Homemade rice pudding gently spiced with ginger and freshly grated cinnamon. This easy recipe can be made with your favourite milk, dairy or dairy-free and will surely become a family favourite.


Rice pudding is such comfort food.

It's one of the dishes I loved as a child. My mum would make it regularly and it was always gorgeous. I especially loved it served with a dollop of jam, but I've grown out of that particular habit.

I prefer it plain now with a little spice.

I was of the generation where rice pudding was often bought in tins and sometimes my mum would serve this too if she was short of time, but mostly she made it herself and she still makes it regularly.

The way my mum and I make rice pudding is less thick, creamy and stodgy than the shop bought version, but no less luxurious.

 Of course I make it dairy free now so Graham can enjoy it too. This recipe can be made with your favourite milk be it dairy or dairy free.

For more rice recipes, check out Easy Vegan Rice Recipes for Lunch or Dinner.


I usually spice my rice pudding with some freshly grated nutmeg, but this time I went for more warmth and spiced it with ground ginger and freshly grated cinnamon.

If you don't have cinnamon sticks you could use ground cinnamon, but the difference in flavour is quite stunning. 

I've been grating my own cinnamon for a few years now.

I don't usually bother for savoury dishes were it will be part of a more complex flavour, but for desserts, cakes and drinks, I grate it fresh.

I use Cinnamon Hill in my recipes, they've been kind enough to send me fresh batches of cinnamon sticks now and again over the past few years and what a difference it makes in flavour.

It's like discovering fresh parmesan (veggie or vegan of course) after years of using those sawdust-like granules that are ready grated. Fresh cinnamon brings a lot of warmth to dishes but also a lot of flavour too.

print recipe

Gently Spiced Rice Pudding
Homemade rice pudding gently spiced with ginger and freshly grated cinnamon. This easy recipe can be made with your favourite milk, dairy or dairy-free and will surely become a family favourite.
  • 100g/½ cup pudding rice
  • 600ml/2½ cups almond or coconut milk 
  • 50g/¼ cup caster sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • a generous pinch of ground ginger
  • a generous pinch of freshly ground cinnamon (or ground cinnamon)
1. Pour the rice into a large pan, along with the milk, vanilla, sugar and spices. Bring to the boil, then turn the heat down low and cook until the rice is creamy and tender. This should take about 20 – 30 minutes. Make sure you stir it regularly, so it doesn't stick.
2. Serve immediately topped with a little freshly grated cinnamon (or a dollop of strawberry jam for the little ones).
3. If you have any leftover, you will probably need to add more milk to think it down a little when you re-heat it.
4. Enjoy!
Total time:
Yield: Serves 2-3

Fresh blueberry compote, which can be made with alcohol for a kick or with fruit juice. It's fabulous served on rice pudding, yoghurt or ice cream.

If you want a bit more luxury, why not make my blueberry compote and top your rice pudding with it. The recipe is slightly boozy, but you can easily swap the alcohol with orange or apple juice.

Disclosure: Cinnamon Hill have sent me a few boxes of fresh cinnamon sticks over the years. They did not ask for a post or a positive review and any opinions expressed are my own. I only promote products I enjoy using and am happy to buy myself and share with my readers.


  1. this looks simply amazing, can't wait to try it! unfortuntely i have to stick to my gluten free diet but this is great, because rice is naturally gluten free, so i can enjoy it without having to rework the recipe. thanks so much for sharing it!
    if you ever need more inspiration, i'd love you to stop by for some vegan awesomeness! see you there :)
    cheers, stäf |

    1. Excellent, I hope you enjoy it and I'll definitely stop by :)

  2. Oh my gosh. So comforting. I wish I had that right in front of me right now. xo

  3. I have so many happy memories of eating rice pudding when I was younger. It's been far too long since I've made it myself!

    1. Me too and we forget about it way too easily. It's so good!

  4. This looks like a nice comforting dish on the weekend or as a bedtime snack. I agree cinnamon sticks rock!!

    1. Thanks and yes cinnamon sticks are fab. So much flavour.

  5. To me rice pudding is like a big hug in a bowl!!! I love that you've added some warming spices too. Real comfort food :)

  6. I've never tried rice pudding before, and I think it's about time that I do! This looks amazing :)

    1. Oh you really must, it's so good! Just don't bake it in the oven lol!

  7. That is leaping out of the page at me. I love rice pudding and like you a love spicing it a tad. I want to melt into those blueberries.

    1. Haha yes the blueberries were rather good. Not made them for a while actually.

  8. I've seen a few mentions of Cinnamon Hill and I must investigate further as proper cinnamon is such a delight, and so useful, for not only dishes like your lovely rice pudding but curries too. Good rib-sticking sweet comfort. Lush.

  9. I've never made rice pudding! This recipe looks awesome, thank you for sharing! :)

  10. Thanks for the rice pudding recipe...Really i loved it !!!


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