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Raspberry Ripple & White Chocolate Ice Cream (no churn)

The simplest raspberry ripple ice cream ever. Just three ingredients mixed up and then left to freeze. You can add any other flavour you like.

Raspberry Ripple & White Chocolate Ice Cream (no churn)

I first heard about this no-churn ice cream on twitter. 

My friend Ren from Ren Behan was talking about it. 

She had made a lipsmacking batch of White Chocolate & Blackcurrant no-churn ice cream for this month's Bloggers Scream for Ice Cream challenge.

Now, I do have an ice cream maker and I take it for a spin from time to time, but I just couldn't resist trying this recipe. 

I had some glorious Scottish raspberries and as raspberry ripple is one of my all-time favourite ice creams, I decided to give it a go.

It is so easy. 

It's just a combination of condensed milk (yes, you heard me right), cream and vanilla. That's it. 

As simple as that. 

You just make your base, then add whatever flavour or bits and pieces you like. 

You can really go crazy with this simple recipe and no churning, so you can just pop it in the freezer and forget about it.

I decided to pimp my raspberry ripple ice cream up with roughly chopped white chocolate buttons. 

If you look closely at the last photo, you may see one peeking out.

I imagine you might like the recipe now?

No Churn Raspberry Ripple & White Chocolate Ice Cream

The simplest ice cream ever. Just three ingredients mixed up and then left to freeze. You can add any other flavour you like.

  • 375g condensed milk
  • 600ml double cream
  • seeds from 1 vanilla pod (or 1 tsp vanilla extract)
  • 300g raspberries
  • 5 tbsp icing sugar
  • 90g white chocolate buttons, roughly chopped (it's nice to have some bigger pieces)

1. Cook the raspberries and icing sugar gently, until the berries begin to collapse, then remove them from the heat and sieve into a bowl to remove the pips. 

2. In a large bowl, whisk together the condensed milk, cream and vanilla until it starts to thicken. This takes about 5 minutes with an electric hand whisk. 

3. Pour some of the raspberry puree into the ice cream mixture and stir only enough to swirl through. 

4. Line a loaf tin with clingfilm, then pour in a layer of ice cream, next pour over some puree, then another layer of each. Until you have filled your tin. Keep a little of the puree to pour on top of the ice cream. 

5. Pop the ice cream in the fridge to set, preferably overnight. Take out of the freezer about 15-20 minutes before you want to serve it, to let it soften.

 6. Enjoy

Total time:

Yield: 1 tub of ice cream


  1. So glad everyone is enjoying this challenge so much! I think everyone who's tried it has been as delighted as I was at the fluffy texture and taste of the base, and how simple it is to make! And I'm loving all the ideas people have made - so much variety!

    1. I saw Choclette's ice cream today too and it looked amazing. It is going to be one fabulous roundup Kavey!

  2. Mmmm, white chocolate & raspberry is one of my favourite flavours :)

  3. No churn?! How have I not heard of this before?! Perfect for lazy people like me haha, I'll definitely try this at some point! I looove raspberry ripple too :)

    1. It is brilliant and you can do so many things with it :)

  4. I tell you something ... I just bought condensed milk today!

    1. Perfect Chris. You must be psychic!

    2. Something like that ...

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Are you making some ice cream with it or do you have other plans?

  5. Look absolutely amazing I wanna make!

  6. Oh lovely, homemade icecream is the best.

  7. I cannot wait for raspberry season so that I can try this :)

    1. Try it now and give it another flavour Tandy. The possibilities are really endless :)

  8. LOVELY recipe and I also like the no churn idea too....although, I am lucky enough to have an ice cream maker! Karen

    1. Me too Karen, but this is a great wuick one, if you don't want to make a custard or get out your machine :)

  9. If I owned a car I would be in it right now and on my way to visit you for a bowl of this. What a gem of a recipe.

    1. I am afraid it is all gone, but you are always welcome Chele and it is lovely to have you back :)

  10. This is so delicious looking. And it's just perfect because the weather is now better (of course, I am crossing my fingers for next week). I am trying out your Raspberry Ripple & White Chocolate Ice Cream tomorrow. Cheers!

  11. Ah, going to have to make this recipe soon - it seems to be popping up everywhere and so adaptable. I do love raspberries and this looks beautiful and sounds delicious.

  12. It is great to see an ice cream recipe that doesn't need a maker. Love the flavor combo.

  13. i love white chocolate, and it's never as good as it is when it's combined with raspberries. plus, as i have no ice cream maker, i'm automatically excited about the no-churn idea!

  14. Wonderful that it uses fresh raspberries...I love them over vanilla ice cream, so this would be perfect!

    1. You would love this then Barbara and the wee bits of white chocolate buttons are a real treat.

  15. gorgeous. I saw ren's post and your one too looks so delicious! love the serving plates too Jac! some gorgeous pics here

    1. Thanks, I got the plates in the North of Cyprus, well except the blue plate, which I got from a restaurant in Glasgow Airport. They gave it to me for a contribution to their charity box. I was very pleased!

  16. Humm it's so good

    I think I will try. I love raspberry and white chocolate

  17. sounds delicious - esp with scottish raspberries - they are the best

    1. They certainly are, although I am obviously biased :)

  18. My boyfriend saw this on my screen and demanded I make it! If I churn it, am I risking messing it up?

    1. Hmmmmm, not really sure, but why churn it, it will only give you more dishes to wash and it is really creamy anyway?

  19. No churn? What a great discovery Jac! Raspberry ripple is a classic isn't it?
    Great seasonal recipe :-)

    1. It is a great discovery. I am very pleased with it. It is going to be a regular in this house now.

  20. This looks so good and easy! I don't have a ice cream machine but my sister does so if i need it i can borrow it from her but with this recipe she won't even know about it! ;)

    1. You don't even need to borrow an ice cream machine for this one :)

  21. Looks really pretty Jac. It's such an easy ice-cream this one and so good too. The blackcurrant ripple one I made is long gone, but we haven't yet tried the raspberry, rose & rhubarb ripple I made soon after.

    1. Oh now those both sound amazingly good Choclette :)

  22. So glad that it needs no churn! By the look I can tell it must be delicious!


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