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Watermelon & Strawberry Smoothie

A fresh pink smoothie, made luxurious with a good dollop of creamy greek yoghurt. Would also make heavenly ice lollies.

When I saw a huge watermelon on sale for £2, I just couldn't resist. I immediately started thinking ice lollies, smoothies and a watermelon and feta salad.

I decided to tackle the ice lollies first. I have a rather wonderful Zoku Quick Pop Maker. 

I bought it last summer and it has been packed away since then. 

Actually, it may have been the Summer before when I was pregnant.

Anyway, I had the Pop Maker in the freezer all ready and had made up my smoothie to make into lollies. 

Lollies seemed a great idea, not because it was a beautiful day, I want to make sure you are under no illusions about that, but because the boy has a cold and it has just been cough, cough, cough the last few days. 

The poor wee mite must have a sore throat with all that coughing.

He was hovering in anticipation. 

I don't think he understood I was going to make lollies, but he could see that pink smoothie sitting there just out of his reach and boy does that child love his smoothies.

He got more and more impatient with me as I got more and more impatient with everything trying to find those darn sticks. 

I can visualize then in the back of my glass cupboard, sitting in a tall scooner, but were they there? 

Of course not. I took everything out twice just to make sure.

At this point I had to pop the smoothie mixture in the fridge while I carried on hunting.

I turned the kitchen and conservatory upside down and do you think I could find the damn things? 

You are correct in your assumption, no! 

A bit of madness overcame me and I nearly ordered a fresh set with overnight delivery from Amazon at an extra cost of £8 (the watermelon isn't looking so cheap now is it?), but sanity prevailed and I put the poor wee boy who was staring at the fridge out of his misery and gave him his smoothie.

He loved it, but as per usual, he wouldn't touch the fruit on it's own.

I stood him on a chair at the island unit so he could watch me cut the melon and have a look, a touch and a taste, but he wouldn't have anything to do with it. 

I long for this suspicious period to be over and for us to be back on track with him guzzling fruit as he used to. 

Oh well, smoothies it is until that day comes.

print recipe

Watermelon & Strawberry Smoothie
A fresh pink smoothie, made luxurious with a good dollop of creamy greek yoghurt. Would also make heavenly ice lollies.

  • 1 x 5cm wide wedge of watermelon
  • 12 ripe strawberries
  • juice from ½ lime
  • ½ tsp vanilla extract
  • 3 tbsp greek yoghurt (or soya natural yoghurt)
  • a few leaves of mint to serve


1. Cut the watermelon into chunks, removing any seeds.

2. Wash and hull the strawberries.

3. Juice ½ lime.

4. Whizz together all the ingredients bar the mint in a blender.
  Although a little mint would actually be rather nice in this smoothie.

5. Pour into two glasses.

6. Leave the smoothies in the fridge to cool. Add a sprig of mint before serving

7. Enjoy!

Prep time:

Yield: 2 glasses


  1. I worked at Lakeland last summer and the zoku sold so well! I wish I had a freezer deep enough to take the base....although if i did I would have the same problem not being able to find the sticks! Smoothie sounds awesome as a substitute though!! :)
    ps if you are near enough to Edin come to the cake club next time!! :)

  2. I am ENVIOUS of you finding reasonably priced watermelon - !! It's something so cheap and easy to grow on your own (if you've got a fair bit of yard), but so spendy at the grocer's. Next time, pop a bit of your smoothie mix into ice trays, maybe? My mother did that, or put them into plastic bags and snipped off a corner for us to suck them down -- outside, of course, where she could hose us off. :)

  3. I have a smoothie every afternoon....why I haven't thought of watermelon, I can't imagine. Trying it ASAP!

  4. Hey, give poor Cooper a break. He drank the smoothie after all! I had a toddler that went off everything except potato waffles and spagetti hoops, he really only started to eat properly again when he turned 14 and the hormones got the better of his appetite! For a Foodie Mama that was hell. Sounds lovely anyway, hope you find your sticks and can make the lollies.

  5. Yum - looks just as great as a smoothie as an ice lolly I am sure. Did you ever find those sticks?

  6. Hey Victoria, I am seriously considering coming to one of the meet-ups, if I can get through.

    Hey Tanita, I got my watermelon in Lidl and they all tend to have the same deals. There are 5 in Glasgow, you should have a look. The ice cube tray is a great idea :)

    Glad to have inspired you Barbara, hope you enjoy it :)

    Still have found those darn sticks Janice, such a nuisance! I am now thinking I should just count myself lucky with Cooper :)

    The smoothie was good Chele and no, I never did find those sticks :(

  7. It's a gorgeous colour! At least you're getting fruit into Cooper in a healthy way, I'm sure he'll start eating fruit again sometime!

    It's so annoying when things go walkabouts isn't it. You'll find those sticks when you're looking really hard for something totally unrelated (like your passport or something silly) and you'll find the sticks but not the thing you're looking for.... just me???

  8. Looks delicious and healthy too.

  9. I know that is exactly what will happen C :)

    Thanks Claire and welcome to blogland, I know you are going to love it here :)

  10. Can't go wrong with watermelon - your smoothie looks great. Love your idea of teaming it with feta - great flavour/texture combo

  11. I makes a great salad with feta CC, the variety of textures and the juxtapostion of sweet and salty. Yum!

  12. I make a simple mango smoothie every morning while our mangos last...always have watermelon and strawberries in the fridge. My next project, or not even a project. Sounds so good, healthy and absolutely loving it with the addition of the Greek yoghurt.
    Hope your little guy feels better by now!

  13. He is feeling better now Elizabeth, thanks. I do love a mango smoothie too, but don't have one often as they are so expensive here :)

  14. Thanks so much for the sweet comment you left on my blog! This smoothie looks wonderfully refreshing and I also love a nice watermelon and feta salad!

  15. Hi Faith, thanks for stopping by :)

  16. I hope you can find the sticks soon. I have some ice lolly moulds ready for summer, but not the fancy kind! :)

  17. Oh darn, just put an order in with lakeland and forgot to order some more sticks. My memory is truly like a sieve Rachel :)

  18. sounds great, even for fully grown adults!!

  19. Oh ... this is perfect for today! Looks light, cool and refreshing! Perfect for when it is almost 100 degrees out!

  20. I love smoothies and I would love to try your recipe! Those are both of my favorite fruit!! Thanks for sharing!

  21. Yum!

    Saw you are going to Bite n Write - I'm trying to decide whether to buy a ticket and risk another crazy snowy november which might stop me going! Are you planning to fly down?

  22. Thought I commented on this . . . anyway, it looks fantastic and if you want to make a "grown-up" smoothie you could add a splash of vodka!

    Have a great week!

  23. It was good Adam & Theresa and I loved the slight tang from the lime juice.

    It would be Jenners. Oh how I am jealous of your weather :)

    Glad you like it Tiffany :)

    Thanks Neha :)

    Hi Rose, yes I am flying down. I don't think you can stop doing things because of how the weather might be, especially here in Scotland :)

    That sounds like a great plan Mary. I never think of cocktails, but this would be great as one :)

  24. Delish! It looks so impressive in that glass. You have also made me want a lolly maker :) Sorry I have been away so long. Hope you are well and that your wee man's cough is on the mend. All the best, Lucie x

  25. Yay, your back Lucie. I have missed you :)

  26. I had this combo while in Mexico. Never thought watermelon and strawberry would work so well together.


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